

2024-11-17 05:11:51 编辑:zane 浏览量:591




1、cakeage(noun. a fee charged by a restaurant for serving a cake brought in from outside)外带蛋糕服务费。cakeage是仿照corkage(开瓶费)一词而来。

2、digital nomad(noun. a person who works remotely while travelling for leisure,especially when having no fixed, permanent address.)数字游牧一族。参照digital native(数字原生代)。

3、nearlywed(noun. a person who lives with another in a life partnership, sometimes engaged with no planned wedding date, sometimes with no intention of ever marrying)将近结婚。nearlywed为仿照newlywed(新婚)一词而来。

4、antifat(adjective. opposed, hostile, or adverse to fatness or fat people )反对歧视肥胖。antifat有时与antiphobic(肥胖恐惧)互用使用。

5、antifragile(adjective. becoming more and more robust when exposed to stressors, uncertainty, or risk.)抗脆弱的(直译)/坚固不易损。

Example:We've made the structure sturdy and antifragile, so bad weather makes it stronger.我们把结构做得坚固而不易碎,所以恶劣天气会使它更坚固。

6、northpaw(noun. an athlete, usually a picther or boxer, who is right-handed or competes as a right-hander.)右撇子运动员。southpaw为左撇子运动员。

7、petfluence(noun. a person who gains a large following on social media by posting entertaining images or videos of their dog, cat or other pet)爱宠影像传播者。

8、Southern Ocean(noun. the waters surrounding Antarctica. comprising the southermost waters of the World Ocean.)南冰洋。

9、cakeism(noun. the false belief that one can enjoy the benefits of choices that are in fact exclusive错误地认为一个人可以享受事实上相互排斥两种选择的好处)

10、trauma dumping(noun. unsolicited, one-sided sharing of traumatic or intensely negative experiences or emotions in an inappropriate setting or with people who are unprepared for the interaction.)创伤倾泻。



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