

2024-10-21 08:04:34 编辑:zane 浏览量:604





1)At the start of the plot,a newly arrived resident of West Egg.He serves as the first-person narrator of the novel. He is Gatsby’s next-door neighbor and a bond salesman.

Character:tolerant, open-minded, quiet, and Inclined to reserve judgment.



2)Lives next to Nick in amansion; throws huge parties,complete with catered,food,open bars; people come from everywhere to attend these parties,but no one seems to know much about the host.

A romantic dreamer: thinks youth beauty and love can be recaptured.



3)Nick’s cousin, and the woman Gatsby loves. She fell in love with Gatsby and promised to wait for him. However, Daisy harbors a deep need to be loved, and when a wealthy, powerful young man named Tom Buchanan asked her to marry him, Daisy decided not to wait for Gatsby after all.


4)Husband of Daisy; a cruel man who lives life irresponsibly.

He was heir to one of America’s wealthiest families, He was a sporting star, he is Mr. Caraway's classmate. he didn’t take care of Daisy well, he had a lover named Myrtle Wilson。



5)Tom’s lover, whose lifeless husband George owns a run-down garage in the valley of ashes. Myrtle herself possesses a fierce vitality and desperately looks for a way to improve her situation.


6)Myrtle’s husband, the lifeless, exhausted owner of a run-down auto shop at the edge of the valley of ashes. George loves and idealizes Myrtle, and is devastated by her affair with Tom.

Tom Buchanan and his wife Myrtle Wilson called him“so dumb he doesn't know he's alive”.


汤姆布坎南和他的妻子Myrtle Wilson称他“太蠢了,他不知道自己还活着”。

7)The relationship between characters is expressed as follows:

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